
Send us a non-binding inquiry!

Email or phone, online or in person? 

Choose what works for you. We will adjust.


Nad Týncem 233/6, Plzeň 312 00

IČ: 19796277 | DIČ: CZ19796277

BÚ: 2202681982/2010

+420 733 279 792 – Na vaši poptávku se těší Robin Kříž, jednatel.

+420 736 166 572 – Petr Pech, jednatel

Non-binding inquiry


Hourly rates for 3D printing and 3D modeling can be found in the price list. 3D printing is usually associated with print preparation and post-processing (final editing). The time spent on these services depends on the size of the product, but usually does not exceed one hour.

Bank transfer or cash. We currently do not provide other forms of payment. Usually an advance invoice of 70% of the order price is paid before starting. The remaining 30% is paid after final handover. However, we are not agains other options. Let us know, if you need an individual plan.

First of all send us an inquiry via the form, or contact us in any other way you like. By phone, email or in person? Choice is your. After this process we will send you an offer based on your non-binding inquiry and finalize the details. If you approve the offer, we will start the work.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you a simple answer until we know your requirements. If it is only 3D printing, we are usually able to deliver the product within 3 working days. However, it obviously depends on the size and availability of material in stock. If the order involves 3D modelling, the time commitment is usually higher, usually more than a week. However, we will announce everything in advance.

Yes, it is possible to make a prototype of the ordered product first and send it to you. Usually this procedure is applied for complex products or larger 3D prints.

One of the services we provide is 3D modeling. Let us know your ideas or send us a sketch and we will be happy to create a 3D model for you. Whether you want to print it is up to you.

We can work with a wide range of formats, but we commonly use STL, STEP, 3MF or 3DS formats. Do you have different format? Send it to us, we will tell you the options.

It depends on how much is the production line busy but in general yes. There is no additional fee. Please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best.

For a list of the materials, please refer to the 3D printing description or to the specific products section. Is the material you need not in our offer? Please send an individual request.

In the Pilsen and its surroundings we are able to arrange personal delivery. Throughout the Czech Republic or Slovakia we use the verified delivery services - PPL or Packeta.

After you will check the product please provide feedback as soon as possible. If it is our fault, we will meet all claims. If the dissatisfaction stems from subsequent damage by the buyer, we unfortunately cannot produce a new product within the original price.